Q1: He kamupene hokohoko koe, he kaihanga ranei?
A: Tuatahi.he kaihanga matou, kei a matou ake te wheketere me nga miihini.
Tuarua, kei a matou ake nga roopu hokohoko o te ao ki te whakarato ratonga mo koe.
Tuatoru, ka whakaratohia e matou te tautoko hangarau mo te oranga me te ratonga pai muri-hoko.
Q2: He aha to wa utu?
A: 30% T / T i mua me te toenga i mua i te tuku.
B. 30% T / T i mua me te L / C Irevocable i te Mata.
C. Whakaae ki te whiriwhiringa.
Welcome to have a contact with our salesman: 0086-18069835230, Lyan.ji@hznuzhuo.com
Q3: Kia pehea te roa o to wa tuku?
A: Depending on what type of machine you are purchased. Cryogenic ASU, the delivery time is at least 3 months. Cryogenic liquid plant, the delivery time is at least 5 months. Welcome to have a contact with our salesman: 0086-18069835230, Lyan.ji@hznuzhuo.com
Q4: He aha to kaupapa here whakapumautanga kounga hua?
A: Ka tukuna e matou he wa whakamana mo te 1 tau, te tautoko hangarau mo te oranga kore utu.
B. Whakaae ki te whiriwhiringa.
Welcome to have a contact with our salesman: 0086-18069835230, Lyan.ji@hznuzhuo.com
Q5: Kei te tuku ratonga OEM / ODM koe?
A: Ae.
Welcome to have a contact with our salesman: 0086-13516820594, Lowry.Ye@hznuzhuo.comQ6: Kei te whakamahia to hua he hou ranei?Hua RTS he hua kua whakaritea ranei?
A: Ko ta maatau miihini he waahanga hou, me te whai i to hiahia motuhake ki te hoahoa me te hanga.
Welcome to have a contact with our salesman: 0086-18069835230, Lyan.ji@hznuzhuo.com